Last Saturday we had a preview class on Tips & Trick Borong Barang China, of its official name is Guangzhou 101 & Guangzhou 102 – Wholesale Master Course: Guangzhou 101 and Field Trip: Guangzhou 102. The class will start this coming Saturday!
They’ve been in this business for years, many had gone to China under their program and success! They are so cool and I hope I could join their next trip in July.
I would like to share about the leading lady behind this great agenda, to help others fulfilling their dreams to be entrepreneurs.
This is the lady in this story, Madam Assie. I would like to express her as Madam Great Mind because she really has a great mind. She’s also an early childhood education devotee! And she’s only 28. Aha, my age. Still young yet hold so many responsibilities

(MSK = My Super Kids. MGM = Madam Great Mind)
MSK : How long have u been in this business?
MGM : I’m not sure the exact year I’ve been in business because I’ve started out venturing online business since University years. That time I opened an online shop at to sell branded items that I bought from the UK high-street. Owh, I really miss those years! Anyway, my husband and I registered our company in 2006. We’ve been doing lots of things since then such as selling branded watches (Singapore), wedding doorgifts (imported from Thailand), baby clothing (China), Tudung Pashmina/Lycra and Jubah and Blouse (Indonesia) and currently we just set up Great Minds Training and Consultancy to run our new ventures – Wholesale Master Course: Guangzhou 101 and Field Trip: Guangzhou 102. Honestly, going to China is so addictive! I just can’t wait for my next trip in July! BusinesLadies, if you haven’t been there, come and join us! You will love the place, insya-Allah.
MSK : What is your starting point?
MGM : The starting point is – my husband and I are always on the same brain frequency. We just love doing business and making extra income doing things that we love most which is turning our passion into profit!
Business trip or family trip?
MSK : How do you balance your daily life/family/work/hobby beside this business?
MGM : That’s hard because I wear lots of hats – Hamba Allah, a wife, a mom, a daughter, eldest sister, an engineer, an entrepreneur, a neighbor, but I guess I love being busy and always on my toes. For me it’s hard to sleep at night without getting all done – pack items to post to my customers, reply emails, update website, read books on business, but the rule of thumb is – if your family needs you, than leave it. Business can wait, but family can’t. At times, it’s hard to put a divider between family and replying the very last important email, but then, we just have too. There’s no such thing as "very important email" in the first place

MSK : What motivate you to keep on going?
MGM : Passion. I think I know that I can do more than what I am now. I can do more in 24 hours than what I’m doing now. I’m competing with myself, and challenge myself to unleash the potential that I have. Nothing beats the feeling of achieving something from our own sweat. Alhamdulillah.
MSK : What is you advise to others who what to start a business?
MGM : Those who are serious to venture into business, make sure you "Begin with the end in mind". Think what you want your business to look like in the future. Think about how the business will grow and how you want your children to "inherit" the business when you’re no longer around. Think Big, Think Smart. And of course, feel free to talk to us – Great Minds Trainers if you want to know how we can help you to GROW your business bigger, your profit margin LARGER and turn your normal retail shop to a SUPPLIER warehouse! It’s an open secret – come and join us to China and experience the exciting wholesale trip, the GREAT MINDS way! Our next course is this Saturday, 26th June at Bling Lustre and next trip to China is on 14th-17th July 2010.
It’s a big honour you know, to be the centre of excellent for this big thingy. If you have family members or friends who are seeking for this big opportunity, please please, please let them know!
Final words from Nadirah (the daughter), "Saya dah sampai China, Aunty2 bila lagi?"

Join us in Guangzhou 101 this Saturday!
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